Wednesday, 20 October 2010

smart & stupid

Creation & Destruction =
Apollonian & Dionysian
Good & Bad
Smart & Stupid
Order & Chaos
Civilisation & Barbarism
Love & Hate
Compassion & Aggression
Beauty & Ugliness

Thursday, 7 October 2010

first three destructions

Three small surfaces for paintings (linen on stretchers) from about 30 x 50 cm are mutilated with sandpaper, with a cutter and with an awl. The action, or performance of destroying itself is filmed. Soon, within two weeks, the editing will be done and the film will be shown here.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

destructed linen surface

Destructing a linen surface by stabbing it with an awl.

Monday, 4 October 2010

white & black

Painting a white sheet of paper with Ivory Black watercolour paint is adding paint which changes the white surface into spotty black. Can it be seen as a destruction of the original white? Or is it a change of a white surface into a black surface? It is difficult to see it as a destructive act, it is transformation in stead of destruction. Because there is no violence or aggression in painting the white surface black?

surface research plan 2010 - 2011 # 6

The “creation & destruction” research at the Rietveld Academie

How to make the “creation & destruction” artistic research meaningful for students?
I will start by giving a short lecture on the new research project for the coordinators. With their help and in consultation with the departmental teachers I would like to find a small number of students who may be interested in the research question. I hope to find these students by presenting my research subject and the possible research questions to the interested departments. The students who want to participate will not be expected to function as research assistants. The idea is for them to set up an Artistic Research of their own based on the same subject and with a few specific research questions. Holding regular meetings in which experiences or developments are presented to the research group can lead to the exchange of ideas, materials, concepts, new research questions and relevant literature. It might develop into a collaboration of researchers each studying a different section. Each one is researching a part of the complete picture to be formed later.


Tromaderians consider anything blue extremely pornographic.