Wednesday 22 September 2010

surface research plan 2010 - 2011 # 3

Why do I wish to research this?
Because the stages of development in creating are linked to a strong feeling, an intuitive conviction that says that in order to make you must dare to break.
At an early stage in my visual work, I wanted to perforate the linen or paper surface so that through the surface the other side, the back, the dead side of the surface, the opposite of the sublime was involved and made palpable. This made it necessary to open the closed and smooth front surface by an act of destruction. I did this by using hollow punches, sandpaper, an awl or a sharp knife. It is obvious that creating something means destroying the former, earlier state of the art work. We experience creating as a positive act, it means adding, changing, transforming into a final work that is a success or a failure. Creating, making, producing is progress, it is a positive path of change, adding and evolution. We do not see it as a digressive course of damaging, mutilating and the destruction of the various interim stages of development of an art work.
I do not wish to show the destructive annihilation – this would be a construction – but I wish to execute the destructive action on a surface myself. So that I can see and experience whether the apparent contradiction “creation and destruction” is a contradiction.

It is necessary to find a "holy house", my "sacred cow", to experience destruction.
The emotion of feeling fertile by being creative, by drawing nice drawings I know well enough. Try to be honest, coward.

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